- ‣ Junior Achievement
18SepVolunteer profile: Bridge Scholarship Mentors
CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS Junior Achievement Nova Scotia is looking for volunteers to act as mentors for the Digital Bridge Scholarship, launching across the province this September. Through this program, students are given 6 months of free access to a library of online courses covering topics in ICT. Eac...
18SepVolunteer Profile: Company Program Advisors
CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS Junior Achievement of Nova Scotia is looking for volunteers to act as advisors for the Company Program, beginning across the province this October. This program creates an environment for working professionals to coach students to run their own business and experience the excitem...
15SepJunior Achievement Nova Scotia : Why we got involved.
When Junior Achievement of Nova Scotia was approached by Torusoft to partner and launch the Digital Bridge Scholarship, we knew that this program was going to add great value to our students. Junior Achievement’s core purpose is to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in the global econom...